A Place for Grace Hero Image of Jesus and lamb

A Place For Grace

Book Your Appointment

“But because of HIS great love for us, GOD , who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ
even when we were dead in our transgressions”-“ It is by GRACE you have been saved.”

- Ephesians 2:4,5

About us

What would life be like if we were able to back to God’s original design for ourselves? So many of us, although Christians with a strong belief and faith in God, are not feeling the joy, freedom
or peace that we know God intends for us.

To be free from the strongholds that bind us such as depression, anxiety, or anger, we can turn
to THE OWNER'S MANUAL. Our ways have not worked and HIS ways cannot fail. What would
it be like if we upgraded our version of ourselves to see ourselves as God sees us.

“It is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord”
- Zachariah 4:6
Our Expertise

Christians from all over Orange County have been referred to me from their churches. I specialize in all family relationships and love to do marriage counseling, healing past wounds of abuse, painful childhoods, angry children & teens, fears, anxiety, depression, grief, blended family stress and issues affecting your relationship with God.

Gold jesus on a cross
Our Specialties

Imagine not having those limited and negative beliefs about ourselves or others or feeling the forgiveness that sets us free to love and be loved? With God all things are possible

Abuse and Trauma
Child Play Therapy
Church Conflict
Divorce Counseling
Divorce Recovery
Premarital Counseling
Teen Christian Counseling