I became fascinated with the idea of bringing the powerful Word of God (the Bible)
into my counseling sessions and letting the Holy Spirit lead me, as I partner with God to bring
all my education, training, skill sets, and experience to the session. So, following undergraduate school, I enrolled at Chapman University and got my Masters degree in Counseling Psychology while being mentored by Dr. Charles Browning who taught me how to stay tuned to the Lord’s leading in my sessions. God fulfilled the dream I had in the beginning for counseling… Counseling God’s way!
I believe in short term solution focused counseling. I will work with you and give you exercises to do at home and teach skills which we will practice in session.
What if we really were who God says we are
And not who we think we are?
Imagine not having those limited and negative beliefs about ourselves or others or feeling the
forgiveness that sets us free to love and be loved? With God all things are possible.
We were not meant to do this journey alone. As His Redeemed, we have the Holy Spirit, who
wants to partner with us empowering us to fulfill our callings. Philippians 2:13 states that “He is
in us both TO WILL and TO DO what he’s called us to.
For over 30 years I have helped pastors, missionaries, and Christians understand their authority in Christ and to walk in their identity as His Redeemed.
It is so important, especially in today’s age, that we are careful to choose a therapist who also
holds our same moral values and shared faith.
Office Location:
A Place for Grace Counseling
728 E Chapman Ave
Orange, CA 92866
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday - Thursday
12PM - 3PM, 4PM - 7PM
Appointment Duration:
Individual Sessions: $180
Insurance Rate: $220
Pay by: Credit Card, HSA Credit Card
My insurance rate is $220. I will email you a Super Bill with all the codes that the insurance company requires and you will mail that into the insurance company and they will reimburse you directly.
So if the insurance company reimburses at 70%, they will mail you a check for $168 for each session, making your out-of-pocket cost per session $72.
If they reimburse at 60% then they will mail you a check for $108 for each session making your out-of-pocket cost per session $96.
I understand that schedules can change unexpectedly. To manage my appointments effectively,
I require 24 hours advanced notice for canceling or rescheduling any session, or a $75 late
cancel/no-show fee will be charged. That time could have been made available to someone in a clinical
emergency or on the waiting list, so PLEASE cancel 24 hours in advance because this time has
been specifically set aside for you. In the event of bad weather, we can conduct our sessions
via phone or video.
*Exceptional circumstances, such as a serious or contagious illness, or non-work emergency
can warrant an exception. By signing the new client forms, providing your credit card information, and booking your
appointment, you are consenting to this policy.
"For we are God‘s workmanship created to do good works which he prepared in
advance for us to do"
- Ephesians 2:10